June 29, 2016

CT Mirror: UConn adopts a largely flat budget, asks for big increase next year

"The University of Connecticut's governing board Wednesday adopted a largely flat $1.3 billion budget for the fiscal year that begins Friday, retreating from years of rapid spending increases at the public university..."

June 27, 2016

Education Week: 1 in 4 Teachers Miss 10 or More School Days, Analysis Finds

“More than 6.5 million students in 2013-14 attended a school where at least half of teachers missed 10 days of school or more, according to the most recent estimate from the U.S. Department of Education…”

EDUCATION WEEK: What Diverse Charter Schools Do Differently

“With the arrival of charter schools in the early 1990s, skeptics predicted they would skim off the best and brightest students from traditional public schools, creating a two-tiered system…”

EDUCATION WEEK: Study: Connecticut ranks 21st in college affordability

"It is no longer possible to work one's way through state college without incurring debt, according to a new study on college affordability..."

June 24, 2016

CT Mirror: Free college courses to be offered to CT inmates

"Hundreds of inmates at seven state prisons throughout Connecticut will soon be offered the chance to earn a college degree or certificate -- for free..."

June 22, 2016

Hartford Courant: State Offers Chance For Manufacturing Training, Career To Unemployed

“The state is offering a chance for unemployed people or those looking for a new career to get an education in advanced manufacturing that will prepare them for jobs in aerospace, defense, biomedical technology and other fields…”

June 20, 2016

CT MIRROR: CT faces legal roadblock to easing rising teacher pension costs

“While state government continues to explore spreading its pension debt further into the future, Connecticut apparently won’t have that option when it comes to benefits owed its public school teachers…”

June 16, 2016

CT MIRROR: State official says federal policy changes cut 6,100 from subsidized day care

“The move to improve a child care subsidy program that helps low- and moderate-income families has also made it more expensive and forced Connecticut to cut 6,100 children from the rolls, a state official told a Senate panel Wednesday…”

June 15, 2016

THE HOUR: Center for Youth Leadership earns educational award

"The Center for Youth Leadership at Brien McMahon High School received an educational award for its work on employee justice at local nail salons..."

HARTFORD COURANT: Treasurer Nappier Recognizes Local Students As Winners Of 2016 CHET Dream Big! Competition

"Forty-eight students from across the state have been selected as winners of the 2016 CHET Dream Big! Competition, which asks students to share their dreams about life after college through drawings and essays. The Competition received more than 3,700 entries..."

June 13, 2016

CT POST: Fewer helping hands

"The go-to chart taped to the wall behind the desk in Sara Laviolette’s kindergarten classroom at Blackham School tells when Margarita “Margie” Perez will be working in her room..."

June 8, 2016

CT POST: Education gets the short end

"Above the sunny landscape of the 2016-17 Bridgeport City Council-approved budget (“Ganim says 2016-17 budget fulfills goals,” May 28,) there is no mention of the dark cloud of a grossly underfunded Bridgeport Board of Education budget..."

June 6, 2016

Hartford Courant: Hartford School Board Passes $419 Million Budget Calling For At Least 235 Job Cuts

“A weary Hartford school board approved a $419.1 million education budget on Monday, another slog in a year overshadowed by the city's budget crisis…”

Hartford Courant: Cut Will Devastate CT Humanities, Raises Questions

“Supporters and leaders of Connecticut Humanities say they are stymied by the governor's decision to eliminate $1.73 million in the budget that provides competitive grants to schools, libraries and museums, including the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival and the New Haven Festival of Arts and Ideas…”